Strawberry Hill House, Twickenham

The restoration of Strawberry Hill House began in 2007. The restoration included reinstating the lost stained glass to The Holbein Chamber and The Tribune.

The Cathedral Studios were commissioned in 2014 to faithfully re-create the stained and painted glass originally made by William Price the Younger.

Meticulous and extensive research was undertaken to understand the history of the glass to enable accurate replication of the paint and stain colours, painting style and the techniques that were used in the original William Price windows. Small watercolour paintings of the rooms in Walpole’s catalogue, together with descriptions of the lost glass were vital points of reference. This, combined with extensive research on existing windows made around the same time in the late 19th Century and in the same style by the glass painter William Price the Younger, enabled us to faithfully re-create the original lost glass.

Follow the links below to watch a film about the window in progress and its installation