Fifty year anniversary!

By The Cathedral Studios,

The Cathedral Studios is celebrating 50 years in the Precincts.
Before the studio moved to its current location it was based on Best Lane in Canterbury, which today is a Pizza Express.
Many faces have come and gone over the past 50 years, all helping to make the Cathedral Studios what it is today. Revisiting the old workshop, we decided to share some memories over some pizza… with over 150 years of combined experience at the studio around the table!

New windows

By The Cathedral Studios,


The Church of the Incarnation, Texas


This window was commissioned by The Church of Incarnation, Dallas Texas as part of a glazing scheme for a new 450 seated gothic chapel. The window was designed and manufactured by The Cathedral Studios. It is based on elements from Canterbury Cathedral’s 12th and 13th century windows, combining them to make new scenes in the style of the original medieval glaziers. The Cathedral has already completed three other stained glass windows for the church, including the east window, and look forward to working on future collaborations with the church.